Mexico Missions
Through our Mexico missions we are able to fulfill the primary calling that God has placed on Mario Venzor Ministries. Brother Mario Venzor spent his childhood in Mexico and has a special heart and calling to reach the hispanic people. Each year our primary focus is as missionaries to Mexico and ministering the love of Jesus with a demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit.

Report – 2023 Spring Mexico Mission Trip!
We just returned from an 11 day ministry trip
Report - 2022 Fall Mexico Mission Trip!
During our 2022 Fall trip in Mexico, we ministered for 20 days in 5 different churches and 1 Bible school. During this time 69 people received salvation, 45 people received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and many people received supernatural healing; especially healing in backs! Thank you so much to our partners and those who donated to help make this trip a reality! We’re already planning our next trip.

Speaking Events & Conferences
God has given us tremendous favor to speak at many different kinds of conferences and events during our Mexico mission trips. Many of our speaking events are coordinated through relationships with local churches and other ministries on the ground in Mexico, including Jerry Garcia Ministries and Rhema Churches. We also have strong relationships with a network of various churches throughout Mexico. Through these opportunities we minister on the street, at churches, small groups, conferences held in hotels or meeting halls, at Bible schools, and even Maximum Security Prisons. The gospel of Jesus is breaking through every wall!
During speaking events, we teach from the Bible and emphasize the love and grace of Jesus Christ. We then allow the Holy Spirit to operate through gifts and with demonstrations of His power including healing and spiritual breakthrough. All attendees are invited to receive salvation by making Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Those who are born again are also invited to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. We encourage everyone to be discipled through regularly fellowshipping with the local body of Christ; attending a church.
Performing Healings and Miracles
God has made both emotional and physical healing available to everyone through Jesus’ death and resurrection! We’ve seen tremendous success ministering divine healing especially from various kinds of cancer, back problems, and epilepsy. Through ministering the love of God we’ve seen many addictive strongholds broken including from alcoholism, drug use, and more. We minister through the gifts of the Holy Spirit, on the street, in churches, at Bible Colleges, at conferences, and during special healing meetings.

During one of the Men’s groups we held at a local church, the Holy Spirit was present to heal back pain and injuries. Brother Mario called men forward who needed healing. Nine men came forward. As he ministered to each one, Mario would pray and command healing, and bend each man over at the back. Each man walked away healed. But, the Holy Spirit said there was one more man who needed healing in his back, but was afraid it would hurt when Mario had him bend over. They waited until finally this man came forward and received prayer and brother Mario had him bend over too! A year later, this man found us and shared his testimony with us. He shared how he had been suffering from herniated disks in his back and the very next day he was scheduled to have surgery in his back. When he went in for his appointment the doctor declared that not only was there nothing wrong with his back, the only explanation the doctor could give was that it was a miracle! We asked him to share his testimony during one of our meetings and he gladly proclaimed what God had done for him – perhaps taking a little longer than we had anticipated even. After sharing his testimony, he told us that while sharing his testimony God called him to be a pastor! A year later we were invited to come and speak at his church, now a congregation 200 members strong!

Modeling Financial Prosperity
God hates poverty! Jesus became poor so that we would be rich. He has provided everything that we need for life and godliness. As we experience His blessing we are empowered to bless others. At Mario Venzor Ministries we proclaim this powerful message and see God’s people empowered to not only break out of the bondage of poverty but also begin sharing in the generosity of Jesus Christ!
During our Mexico Missions, we are honored to demonstrate how Jesus has caused us to prosper in our finances and set an example for local believers. These simple acts alone, break through generations of false religious expectations of God allowing His people to suffer or thinking poverty is in some way holy. We demonstrate God’s heart to provide as the Holy Spirit leads including, partnering with local churches, sponsoring Bible School Students, distributing free Bibles and teaching resources in Spanish, and meeting special needs. Some such needs in recent visits included repairing a local church roof, sponsoring a Pastor’s son who was set apart as a major figure and sports influencer to train as a goalkeeper, and partnering with Jerry Garcia ministries for a food distribution crusade for 99 days. This food crusade resulted in leading over 1,100 people to receiving Jesus Christ as their Lord and giving them an opportunity to connect with a local life-giving church!