
Special Announcement

To Our Precious Partners,

New Mexico Missions Trip: October 21th – November 4th

As we write this letter we are preparing for our next missionary trip to Mexico. We have open doors into new divine appointments to preach to pastors and churches in 3 major cities! We’ll be taking books and materials from Andrew Wommack and others. We are helping to establish Discipleship Programs in person and online. We are partnering with one pastor to install a cistern for his church and helping another pastor’s son in his schooling needs. We support several pastors that have different projects or are transitioning every month. Through these projects many people are being born again and discipled, Thank You Jesus!

Many pastors and their wives come to us that need restoration, and the message of grace restores their hope. We are a restoring ministry believing the Lord for many to be born gain, baptized in the Holy Spirit, healed, and delivered. Please believe with us in prayer and agreement. Your supply of the Spirit is much appreciated, confess with us, “Jesus is glorified in the flow of love and power wherever we Go!” (Philippians 1:19).

This trip is scheduled from Saturday, October 21st through Saturday, November 4th. We constantly pray for you, thanking God for you and praying the Ephesians prayers; Eph 1:16 – 23, Eph 3:14 – 23, and 2 Thes 1:11 – 12. The Lord told us back in August that September would be a month to remember, and it was! We saw many breakthroughs in all areas! He said that October is a month of double, November is triple, and in December he crowns the year with his abundance! We believe it! Let us remind you that when the tide rises in the bay, all ships rise with it! Expect the rising of your life! Shine, build, expand, and increase in Jesus’ wonderful name!

If you sense the leading of the spirit to sow into this ministry or have prayer requests or praise reports you can send them to us through our website: MarioVenzorMinistries.com or email: info@mariovenzorministries.com.

You can send letters to:
Mario Vendor Ministries
425 S. Chelton Rd,
Colorado Springs, CO

We love you,
Mario & Sharon Venzor
Mario Venzor Ministries International

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Mario Venzor Ministries


Mario Venzor Ministries is an apostolic christian ministry. Oftentimes, through personal experiences or wrong teaching, people build up religious ideas about God that are contrary to His Word. Concepts such as that God would use sickness or death to teach a person a lesson, that He is unconcerned about the affairs of men, or that man must do good works to earn relationship with Him. 

These religious strongholds hinder people from having a personal encounter and relationship with God. They also become vulnerable to the deceptions and evil from the devil.

 Mario Venzor Ministries teaches the Gospel of Jesus Christ using God’s Word recorded in scripture. After teaching from the Bible, we demonstrate the power of God by operating in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit ministering: divine healing, prophetic encouragement and direction, and sharing the baptism of the Holy Spirit!

Through this ministry God is breaking down religious strongholds and bringing people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!

Mario Venzor Ministries is fulfilling the great commission of the Gospel to share Jesus around the world. 

God has specifically called us to the hispanic peoples spread throughout the United States, Dominican Republic, Honduras, and especially Mexico. God has given us special favor to penetrate this culture where many others find it too difficult or too dangerous. 

Through missions trips including, benevolence crusades, street ministry, conferences, prison ministry, teaching in Bible schools, and more, we are raising up disciples for Jesus Christ.

Called to
the hispanic

Be a part

Mario Venzor Ministries works with a variety of churches and other support ministries to create a true lasting impact where we visit. Our goal is not to create converts, but to fulfill God’s plan by raising true disciples of Jesus Christ.

You can send somebody or you can go yourself. For your benefit, we hope that you will prayerfully consider becoming a part of what God is doing through Mario Venzor Ministries. As you regularly give of your finances you are both sending us and storing up treasure for yourself in heaven. Your giving will be directly converted to preach the Gospel to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, preach deliverance to captives, recovery of sight to the blind, liberty to those who are bruised, and to preach the acceptable year of the Lord.

Mario Venzor Ministries logo

You can send letters to

Mario Vendor Ministries
425 S. Chelton Rd,
Colorado Springs, CO

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